1st Annual

BJA Forensics Programs Grantees Meeting​

Virtual | October 2nd-3rd, 2023

On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Forensics Training and Technical Assistance (Forensics TTA) Team, led by RTI International, is hosting the 1st Annual BJA Forensics Programs Grantees Meeting, scheduled for October 2-3, 2023!

This year’s meeting will be virtual and will feature sessions on Forensic Genetic Genealogy, Rapid DNA, grantee innovations, improving the impact of federal funding, performance measure tracking, grant management best practices, and much more.

Program-specific breakout discussions will also be featured to provide grantees with a unique opportunity to learn more from respective BJA staff and other grantees.

Who should attend?

Grantees from the following programs are eligible to attend this conference:

Recipients of FY2022 funding for CEBR, MEC, PCC and Postconviction are required to attend per the BJA solicitation.  All other grantees are strongly encouraged to participate.  Please note, this conference is optional for all Coverdell grantees.

All awardees may register up to three representatives for the meeting.  These representatives should be key site team personnel to include the individual responsible for overseeing the grant management of the award. We encourage grantees to review the list of topics and determine which additional team members should attend. 

This training will be archived for on-demand viewing for those who are unable to attend this live event. 

Contact Forensics TTA

Please reach out to the Forensics TTA Team (ForensicsTTA@rti.org) with any questions or concerns.

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